When all else fails: waffles

When all else fails: waffles

By Liv Buli

When all else fails: waffles

So we’re all stuck at home for a while, huh? What are you doing to pass the time? 

At our place, we’re not getting a lick of work done, but we’re playing games, reading books, making arts and crafts, throwing dance parties soundtracked by music videos on YouTube (Sof is obsessed with Feelin’ Good As Hell at the moment) and doing whatever we can to keep ourselves sane. 

But for some serious “hygge” we do what all Norwegians do - we make “vafler.” 

Photo of waffle

Norwegians take waffles very seriously. There are competitions for the world’s best waffle recipe held every year. We even have a Waffle Day holiday: March 25 (Hurra! Hurra! Hurra!). Heart-shaped, our waffles are sweet and soft, served with jam, brown cheese, sour cream, or, my Pappa’s favorite, plain old butter and a pile of sugar. We have waffles when we ski or hike, we have waffles when we host, we have waffles when we are having fun, we have waffles when we need comfort. 

We really don’t need much of an excuse to make waffles now that I think about it. 

But I do know it brings us hygge. And in the spirit of chasing hygge during this whole calamity - I’m making waffles. 

There are literally countless Norwegian waffle recipes (and let’s be honest when I am in Norway I use premade waffle mix 100% of the time), but for this, I’ve adapted a version from the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York.


Ingredients (makes 6-8 waffles):

2 eggs
½ cup sugar
1 ⅓ cup milk
½ stick butter (2 oz)
½ cup greek yogurt or buttermilk
1 ¾ cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract



In a large bowl, mix eggs and sugar to eggnog (known in Norway as “eggedosis”).

Photo of mixing bowl with waffle mix

Sieve flour and baking powder. Mix milk and vanilla extract (we’re actually using real vanilla here, a special treat from David’s aunt – a baker in Chicago who loves us enough to share). And melt your butter. 

Alternate blending flour mixture and milk into the eggs. Once blended add yogurt or buttermilk and melted butter. 

Very lightly grease your waffle iron and cook in batches. 

Photo of open waffle iron

(If you’re gonna be a stickler, authentic Norwegian waffles do require a Norwegian waffle iron, and I’ve been able to find one on Amazon. But you can get away with a standard waffle iron. A waffle is a waffle after all.)

Maybe I’m crazy but with everything that is going on, it feels like a time to buckle down and stay calm, take advantage of the time with your kids, or if you’re on your own - take advantage of the time with yourself. Check projects off the list at home, incorporate the kids if they’re under your feet. And find hygge in the little things like a hot waffle with raspberry jam (Isabel sure is enjoying hers!). 

Photo of Isa eating a waffle

1 comment

  • We’re a pancake house usually — but this makes me want to switch it up! Breakfast for dinner coming up…

    Torri Newman on

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